Swap Party!

Swap Party!

A party to rethink our wardrobe!

Together with Benkadì & Museo Della Moda

Saturday 19 October 2024
Palazzo Attems Petzenstein
Piazza Edmondo De Amicis, 2
Gorizia / Italy
Accessible to people with reduced mobility
Registration required

As part of ReThinkable and in collaboration with the “Produttori di Trame” project, promoted by the Benkadì and GoGas Tartaruga associations, we are excited to invite you to our Swap Party! This event is all about exchanging clothing and accessories without any money involved, letting participants bring home unique pieces full of stories!

How can you participate?
Bring clothes and accessories that you no longer use but are still in good condition: something that no longer fits your style could be perfect for someone else!  

How does it work?
The Swap Party has specific guidelines and is limited to a maximum of 30 participants, with registration required.


Download the participation rules and sign up by emailing your name and surname to educativa.benkadi@gmail.com

Program of the day

3:00 pm – 4:00 pm: Welcome, swap fans! During this hour, you can drop off your items with the organizers and complete your registration.  

4:00 pm – 5:00 pm: Guided tour of the exhibition “Italia Sixties: From Boom to Pop,” curated by the Museum of Fashion and Applied Arts, exclusively for Swap Party participants.  

5:00 pm – 7:30 pm: Swap Party!  

7:30 pm – 8:15 pm: Aperitif provided by local producers, offered to all participants of the Swap Party.  

8:00 pm – 9:00 pm: Final concert by Waller’s Friend trio, open to the public 

The concert will take listeners on a musical journey from Cab Calloway to “Fats” Waller, exploring the evolution of jazz from its early days to modern influences, performed with clever wit and skillful musicianship. Improvisation and spontaneous arrangements, key features of Dixieland bands, are central to the group’s performance. They constantly seek out hidden gems from the past to revive in their original splendor, ranging from Charles Mingus’ blues to classic tunes from overseas, promising a lighthearted and entertaining evening.

Waller’s Friend trio are Alan Malusà Magno Guitar and vocals, Gabriele Cancelli Trumpet and vocals, Marzio Tomada Double bass and vocals

Why join a Swap Party?  

Swap parties are about more than just trading clothes; they offer an exciting and meaningful way to make a difference on multiple levels—environmentally, socially, and ethically. Each garment exchanged keeps valuable materials out of landfills, giving a second life to pieces that might otherwise contribute to the growing crisis of textile waste. And it’s not just about clearing closets—by choosing to reuse, you reduce the demand for resources like water, energy, and raw materials.

But the impact goes even deeper. Every swap helps to cut CO₂ emissions from the production and transportation of new clothes. The textile industry is one of the planet’s biggest polluters, with chemical dyes and microplastics causing significant environmental harm. By participating in a swap, you’re directly contributing to reducing pollution and promoting a more circular, sustainable approach to fashion.

By opting out of the fast fashion cycle, you’re rejecting the exploitation of workers in countries where labor rights are often ignored. You’re choosing a future where consumption is thoughtful, where every purchase aligns with values of fairness and solidarity.

Swap parties strengthen local communities, they create spaces for meaningful exchanges, fostering bonds across different ages and backgrounds. The simple act of trading clothes becomes a shared experience, connecting people in ways that transcend commercial transactions. At the same time, it provides an opportunity for everyone to access quality fashion without the barrier of cost, making style more inclusive.

And let’s not forget the fun! Swap parties are a creative playground, a chance to discover new trends, experiment with styles, and fill your wardrobe with unique, story-filled pieces. It’s fashion with heart—rooted in sustainability, community, and joy.


The event is organized in collaboration with the “Produttori di Trame” project, made possible with contributions of the Regional Council of Friuli Venezia Giulia for territorial promotion initiatives.



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