Via Rastello 34: Making Space for the Solidarity Economy

Via Rastello 34: Making Space for the Solidarity Economy

Sunday 20 October 2024
Via Rastello 34, Gorizia
Via Rastello 34, Gorizia
Gorizia / Italy
Accessible to people with reduced mobility
Registration required

Via Rastello 34 transforms into a crossroads of ideas, community, and values, a space where the economy is no longer just a matter of numbers but of relationships, sustainability, and shared well-being. This venue, generously made available to the community, associations, and individuals, stands as a concrete symbol of an economy that emphasizes solidarity, responsibility, and sharing, rejecting the logic of mere profit.

The morning will be a moment of dialogue and exchange, where representatives of local experiences, who have been building an “alternative” economy based on new values for years, will come together. These are people who choose authentic human relationships, health, and global well-being as their guiding principles. The event will also offer the opportunity to hear international stories, with two special guests from Buenos Aires, who will share significant experiences in the field of social and solidarity economy.

An opportunity for dialogue and sharing

The event will not only be a moment of storytelling but also an opportunity to discuss, together with the community, the future of the local solidarity economy: What do we want for tomorrow? What actions can we take to ensure that Via Rastello 34 increasingly becomes a point of reference for the Gorizia area? Throughout the morning, coffee, tea, and fair trade products will be offered, allowing us to savor the tangible essence of what the solidarity economy truly represents.

Morning Program

  • From 10:00 to 12:00: Sharing of experiences with the following guests
    • Camilla Soffiati – activist from the “Comitato Straccis” (GO)
    • Domizia Brandellero – president of the GAS “Il Ponte”, Gorizia (GO)
    • Matilde Fontanin – member of GAS “Gradisca”, Gradisca d’Isonzo (GO)
    • Serena Alessandrini and Rossella Beltrame – members of GAS “GoGAS Tartaruga”, Staranzano (GO)
    • Marco Vecchi – representative of the fruit and vegetable farm “GOS”, Villesse (GO)
    • Raffaella Tofful – head of the farm “La Raganella”, Cormòns (GO)
    • Christian Arnaiz and Laura Niño – researchers from the Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (Buenos Aires, Argentina), experts in short supply chains and family farming within the social and solidarity economy

  • From 12:00 to 13:00: Open Roundtable Discussion: “What Do We Envision for the Future of the Local Solidarity Economy?”
    This moment of dialogue aims to actively engage participants in a shared reflection on the future of the solidarity economy in our community. Everyone is invited to contribute their ideas, experiences, and visions, with the goal of collectively imagining new perspectives and initiatives to enrich the space at Via Rastello 34, for the benefit of the entire community.

The event is being organized in collaboration with Stekar Kmetija of Kojsko (Brda), the Straccis Neighborhood Committee, and the GAS Il Ponte of Gorizia.

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