Examples of Activities and Projects Supported by Regional Law 4/2017

Regional Law 4/2017 promotes solidarity economy, sustainability, and local development through various projects and initiatives in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region. Here are some concrete examples: Community Gardens: Several cities in the region, such as Udine, have developed community gardens in line with the law’s principles. These spaces allow residents to cultivate food sustainably, fostering …

What does Transformative Economies mean?

Transformative Economies: what does it mean? The idea behind the concept of  “Transformative economy” is an innovative approach that seeks to radically change traditional economic paradigms. The goal is to create a system that is not exclusively profit-oriented but places central emphasis on people’s well-being, environmental respect, and social equity. This approach focuses on empowering …

We are looking for you!

Are you passionate about transformative economies, innovative thinking, and sustainable practices? Do you believe in the power of active citizenship and want to make a meaningful impact across the Italy-Slovenia border? Whether you’re a seasoned professional, a junior, a student, someone with experience but not the title, or simply have the willingness to contribute, ReThinkable …